Thursday, November 12, 2009

First post: An explaination

Good evening friends, family alike. I've personally invited you all to read these posts and comment on this blog, because I felt the need to share this gift that my Aunt has sent me. Though I've never really gotten to know her that well, she's always been the "teen" or the youth adult in our family, someone we girls knew and trusted and went to when things went awry or we had a problem and needed someone to talk to. Susan, I'll never forget how you guys handled the "stolen candy" affair in our household, and I cannot thank you and Row enough for making things fair for all three of us. Yes, that was a long time before Minny passed on, but I remember that as vividly as the taste of a good root beer.

Some of you are my closest friends, Russel, Alder, B, yall hung out with me and cheered me on and up from dark depths I didn't think I could crawl out of.

Una, Cindy, yall pushed me to keep going, to try no matter what odds were set against me. I'm really proud of how you both turned out, younger sisters or not, yall always will be my closest friends even if we are the same blood.

There are more though, Chris.
Now you I'm calling out for a special reason.
You suffered the same as we three girls had. We three lost our mother too soon, she was only 45 years young, and it took us all by surprise. Yours suffered like our grand mother had, the same woman that inspired our Aunt Susan to write such a beautiful book dedicated to her. This is my Christmas gift to you. Though it might be a little early, and it rests unfinished, this little blog, this tiny corner on the internet, is going to be dedicated to Mothers lost to daughters and sons all over the world. I won't unveil it yet, it has alot of work that needs to be done first, but I wanted you to know that this is meant to help, not hinder. To heal and mend, and learn from what our beloved deceased meant to teach us all.

This blog, is intended as a tool to heal the broken hearts from family loss. And a chance to express gratitude to not just the living, but the deceased as well. And now, I open the floor to all to begin sharing. The link I tied to this post is intended to share the wonderful works of my mothers sister, Susan. Please, I ask you all. Take the time to get these books and read them for yourselves. If you have them, read them again. They are a treasure that could not be priced in any monetary value I could even imagine.